Thursday, September 22, 2011


Why does Evil exist in the world? That is one of the major questions of the world that bewilders many people. The problem with this one question is that it is such a vague question that there are no real answers as to why Evil exists. One can argue that Evil exists as God’s test to man and their faith. Others might say that Evil exists to balance out the Good, much like Yin and Yang; where one exists the other must as well. However, there are no real answers to this difficult question for these are all theories and speculations, so one cannot really properly define Evil. Nevertheless, individuals like to create their own reason to fill the void of the unknown, due to the fear of the unknown. I, for one, do the same but I like to think of it more in the scientific and mathematical point of view.
I do not believe in God so much but I believe in the Yin and Yang; that for one to exist, the opposite must exist as well. If good people exist bad people must exist. For how can you define what is good if you do not know what bad is? Without fear, how can there be fear? How can light exist without darkness? It is imperative to balance out the negative with a positive or vice versa. Take it from a scientific view point for example. In an atom there are positives and negatives, the protons and the electrons. Without either one, the other’s existence would be almost worthless. If there were no protons in the atom, the negatively charged electrons would have no point in reacting with other atoms because it would no longer have any properties to combine and form an entirely new property. Conversely, if there were no electrons the positively charged protons that are accumulated in the nucleus would constantly repel one another, following the law that like charges repel and opposite charges attract, and the nucleus would shatter with no atom remaining. Even in the world of science there are things to balance each other out; as aforementioned, the electrons and protons, and also for matter to exist anti-matter too exists. Through mathematics is it vague but the concept is similar to the scientific one. In math there are both positive and negative numbers and zero is considered a “neutral” number. Add a positive and negative number of supposedly “equal” values, e.g., -7+7, and you get zero. In laymen terms, everything must be balanced to achieve a neutral state.
So why exactly does Evil exist? No one really knows. Or rather there really is no answer as to why Evil exists; it just does. But people will constantly search for the nonexistent reason just as many people have tried to search for the meaning of life or some other unbelievably difficult philosophical question that has not been answered. As they search they will also develop many theories to answer the question but that will be enough to satisfy many because as long as people have something, whether or not they really believe it, to quell the fear of the unknown they will be fine and able to live out their life trying to find their purpose or fulfill the purpose they have already found.


  1. I really like the idea of yin and yang and how everything must be in a state of balance. If there are good people, there must be bad people. It can never be one sided no matter how close get to creating a perfect "utopia" because for every action, there must be an equal and opposite action.
    I know that you do not fully know of Catholic religion, but you can research it and interpret it as you may. But for the subject of an Abrahamic religion, it states that there is only one all powerful, all knowing, and all good entity (God) and "Satan" (originally a title of an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith, which not many people know) is a chief of fallen angels, who we now call the devil and portray him as a demon. Now what I want to point out for the benefit of your essay is the question-what is balances out God? Some may say the devil, but the devil, whose name is Lucifer, as I stated above was once God's angel and his creation. So God is the creator of evil, therefore contradicting that God is all good, creating one big paradox.

  2. Ko- I do agree that Evil has no answer, nor a reason to exists. Most people, as you said, can't even define what evil is. But, I would think some people define it as the opposite of everything right. For example, volunteering = great, not wanting to volunteer= rude/evil. It really have a specific definition, but the understanding of evil is known all over. People have learned from centuries ago to distinguish good from evil. It has been built into our minds and soul. Therefore, just defining it is tough, but we all know its definition, although it speaks louder in your mind than your mouth.

  3. Wow your introduction was extremely captivating and caught my attention right away. I agree with Zack, the Yin and Yang concept was brilliant. The questions that you proposed, "For how can you define what is good if you do not know what bad is? Without fear, how can there be fear? How can light exist without darkness?" are mind blowing. There is no real answer to them, only opinions. The way that you took things from a mathematic and scientific point of view was also also unique. I enjoyed reading your take on the evils of the world. It opened up my eyes to new questions and possibilities.
